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by iNNOVATION Insights

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Jan 234 min read
Mark Travis Rivera: The Storyteller Who Inspires Innovation and Inclusion
Mark Travis Rivera’s journey of faith, resilience, and storytelling inspires us to embrace purpose, break barriers, and share our unique sto

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Dec 12, 20244 min read
Unlearning to Innovate: Reflections on Craft, Research, and Education with Dr. Loranger
Discover how Dr. David Loranger blends tradition, innovation, and storytelling to preserve craft, inspire students, and redefine education.

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Dec 5, 20242 min read
Chronicles of a Shy and Introverted GenX Social Media Influencer
Eulanda Sanders, PhD, GenX founder of INNOVATION Insights, turns introversion & tech nostalgia into social media success.

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Dec 4, 20243 min read
The Power of Consistency: How Regular Social Media Posting Builds Academic Impact
Discover how consistent social media posting boosts academic visibility, builds trust, fosters engagement, and strengthens your brand.

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Nov 20, 20244 min read
"The Art of Storytelling: 20 Tips for Academics to Elevate Their Social Media Strategy"
20 Tips for Academics to Elevate Their Social Media Strategy

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Nov 1, 20246 min read
"Storytelling with Strategy: How to Plan Your Organization's Social Media"
Create a purposeful social media plan that aligns with your mission, connects with audiences, and shares your organization’s unique story.

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Jun 28, 20244 min read
"My Conversation with Ana McCracken: Innovations and Inspirations"
This is reflection on my conversation with Ana McCracken, MFA, founder of the Ames Writers Collective, on the INNOVATION Insights Podcast.

Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Apr 16, 20242 min read
“Why INNOVATION Insights? Part 2”
Our goal from the start has been to transform your career journey through the art of storytelling, and what an incredible ride it has been!
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